The company already has 11 self-consumption projects in Spain.
LABORATORIOS INDAS, S.A.U. and Industrias Químicas del Ebro, S.A. have trusted NetOn Power to develop two of the largest industrial self-consumption plants in Spain under a PPA for 15 and 10 years, respectively:
- – In the case of Laboratorios Indas, it is a 4.4 megawatt (MW) self-consumption plant in Novés (Toledo) that will cover 23% of its electricity consumption in a 100% renewable way, avoiding the emission of 1,440 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere each year. This plant will be one of the 4 largest self-consumption installations in Castilla-La Mancha. This plant will be one of the 4 largest self-consumption installations in Castilla-La Mancha.
- – As for the project for Industrias Químicas del Ebro (IQE), it will be a 3.6 MW self-consumption plant in the vicinity of its factory in Zaragoza, allowing IQE to cover 28% of its consumption with 100% renewable electricity, avoiding the emission of 1,231 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere each year, and it will be one of the 6 largest self-consumption installations in Aragón.
In the transalpine country, NetOn plans to develop a portfolio of 300 MW in 5 years.